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Important Changes to City Council's Agendas:

Why You Should Be Concerned

The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is raising the alarm about proposed changes to the Council Procedures Bylaw 18155. City Council is considering cutting the time for releasing Council and Committee agendas from 10 days to just the Thursday before meetings. These changes, if implemented, will leave just two working days before a City Council or Committee meeting for Edmontonians and Councillors to gather their opinions on municipal affairs.

Here's what these changes mean for you: 

  • For Edmontonians: With less time to access meeting materials, it will be much harder to stay informed, engage with local democracy, and participate in Council and Committee meetings. This change limits your ability to review important information, share your thoughts with elected officials, and make your voice heard. 
  • For the Media: Journalists will struggle to keep the public informed about city affairs, reducing public awareness and dialogue on important issues. 
  • For Non-Profit / Grassroot Organizations: Groups that rely on public engagement and feedback will find it harder to inform their members and advocate effectively. 
  • For City Councillors: Elected officials will have less time to review materials, talk to their constituents, and make well-informed decisions. For example, the June 11, 2024, City Council agenda was 1,231 pages long with almost 20 decision points. Councillors would have only two business days to prepare under the new rule, which isn’t enough time to fully understand and discuss these issues. 

Stakeholders with Shared Concerns

More Information

The Vote

Councillors in favour: S. Hamilton, A. Paquette, A. Sohi, M. Janz, K. Tang, E. Rutherford, A. Stevenson

Councillors in opposition: A. Knack, T. Cartmell, A. Salvador, J. Rice, and J. Wright

Councillor absent from vote: K. Principe

Download the Email Template here.

When City Council debates these changes on August 20th, we need your help to keep our city’s decision-making process open and accessible.

  1. Download our template letter.
  2. Edit the template to suit your needs.
  3. Email and send it to your Councillor and/or Mayor Sohi, urging them to keep the current 10-day distribution rule.

Together, we can ensure Edmonton remains a city where everyone’s voice counts. 

Email the Mayor here. 

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