Statement: Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Concerned about Business Impacts of New Alberta Legislation on Inclusivity and Workforce Diversity

November 4, 2024
EDMONTON, AB — The Legislative Assembly of Alberta recently tabled three legislative bills—Bill 26 (Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 No. 2), Bill 27 (Education Amendment Act, 2024), and Bill 29 (Fairness and Safety in Sport Act)—proposing changes to health, education, and sport policies. All three legislative items disproportionately impact non-binary, gender-diverse, and transgender youth and adults. These measures, intended to address choice in health and education and ensure fairness in sport, will significantly affect individuals across Alberta, including within the business community.
The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce stands with our members, particularly LGBTQ2S+-owned and -operated businesses, who may feel the impact of these policies firsthand. As an organization dedicated to the growth and vibrancy of our local economy, we recognize that an inclusive workforce is not only a strength but a competitive advantage for Edmonton’s business community.
If passed, we are concerned about the risk of discouraging businesses, investors, and skilled talent from choosing Edmonton as a place to establish, grow, or relocate their ventures. In a global economy where talent and investment are increasingly mobile, fostering a reputation for inclusivity is vital to the long-term health of Alberta’s economy. The Edmonton Chamber remains steadfast in our commitment to building a welcoming and supportive environment for all businesses and employees.
We will continue to monitor these developments closely, advocating for policies that create an economically strong, diverse, and competitive Edmonton. The success of our local economy depends on policies that attract talent, support diverse workforces, and enable businesses to thrive in a forward-looking Alberta.
For further information or to discuss this issue, please contact:
Akanksha Bhatnagar
Director, Communications and Public Relations
Phone: 780-616-7153 | Email:
About the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce
For 135 years, the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce has championed growth, innovation, and profitability in Edmonton’s business community. Representing members ranging from small businesses to large enterprises across all sectors, we advocate for their interests at all levels of government, fostering a thriving and sustainable business environment. Our strategic partnerships and innovative services empower businesses to succeed and contribute to Edmonton’s prosperity. To learn more visit