Make your vote count in this year’s federal election
16 October 2019
October 21st is fast approaching, and Canadians have an important choice to make in this year’s federal election. With strong leadership, we can boost Canadian competitiveness and become a world leader in energy, innovation and talent.
How can you support business success in this year’s federal election? Learn more about our five key priorities for a competitive future, join the conversation online, and ask your local candidates about how they’ll help grow Canada’s economy and create jobs. Most importantly, exercise your democratic right and cast your vote on October 21st. For information on voting locations across Canada, consult Election Canada’s Voter Information Service.
Ahead of this year’s federal election, the Edmonton and Calgary Chambers of Commerce joined forces to promote our platform, Priorities for a competitive future. These priorities will allow Canada to lead the global fight against climate change, increase trade within and beyond our borders, modernize our tax system, equip our workforce with the skills to thrive, and address our fiscal imbalance. We’ve shared these priorities with all federal parties seeking election, and in the past several weeks, we’ve urged them to adopt our business-forward policies as part of their election platforms.
Want to know more? Watch as Chamber President and CEOs Janet Riopel and Sandip Lalli discuss our top priorities when it comes to Canadian competitiveness in this year’s federal election - see videos here.