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Response Time – Is your Managed Service Provider reacting fast enough?
Submitted by Mike Letto, Business Development Manager
September 27, 2022

Technology has a history of going down at the most inopportune moments and experiencing downtown in circumstances where you are dependent on a managed services provider (MSP), can be stressful and deeply impactful to your day-to-day operations.
If your business uses a Managed Service Provider to manage these occurrences, then you probably already know that time is of the essence and the response time needs to be matched to the severity of the problem that has occurred. On the flip side, if you are the Managed Service Provider, then you understand that triaging issues and dispatching technicians must be carefully and methodically managed to ensure other clients are not left stranded with no support.
A lot of business these days implement SLA’s (Service Level Agreements) to set the expectations at the onset of the partnership to eliminate any questions to how long a provider will respond based on severity level of the issue. For example, an “All Service Down” scenario will merit a much faster response time then a “Server is Slow” scenario. By getting both parties on the same page with each situation, will smooth over any potential issues in the future.
Here are some metrics to keep in mind when further evaluating your MSP’s response time.
- Average time to acknowledgement – When you reach out to your MSP about an issue, how long does it take for them to respond to the initial contact.
- Average time to resolution – How long does it take the MSP to resolve the issue from the initial contact to the closing of the ticket.
- Customer Satisfaction – The customer satisfaction metric is extremely important and is the measuring stick for how your client measures your ability to fix issues. If the clients metrics are different from the MSP’s, then there is a problem. Most MSP’s strive to hit an 85% positive feedback rating where industry leaders are sitting around the 95% mark.
If your business is frustrated with historically having to wait for a response from your MSP when problems arise, then reach out to us at BKY Technologies Corp, we can help. We discuss the expectations in regard to response time at the beginning of the discovery process, and if required, we build out an SLA to ensure all items are clear and understood.
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