Natural Gas Strategy builds diversification opportunities for Alberta
06 October 2020
CALGARY, EDMONTON – By leveraging our existing expertise and strong global reputation in natural gas development while expanding our capacity in emerging areas – such as hydrogen, petrochemicals, and plastics recycling – Alberta can diversify and succeed in the global economy of the future. Alberta’s Natural Gas Vision and Strategy, announced today, outlines a strong path for development and investment within and beyond our world-class energy sector.
It does so by supporting diversification that reduces emissions and plastic waste, while capitalizing on Alberta’s strengths as one of the world’s largest producers of natural gas, all accompanied by specific goals around exports and growth.
“Today’s announcement helps us contribute in a larger way to the global fight against climate change,” said Janet Riopel, President & CEO of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce. “Expanding Alberta’s natural gas industry will be a win-win for our province, in that it will create new, well-paying jobs, and it will slow the growth of GHG emissions by displacing more carbon-intensive energy sources from around the world.”
This announcement, paired with a keen focus on enhancing Alberta’s Environmental, Social and Governance reputation with international investors, will help Alberta attract investment and enhance our ability to be a leader in both sustainable resource development and combatting global climate change.
“For Alberta to emerge from our multiple economic challenges, we must continue to diversify and meet new and evolving demands around cleaner energy and more sustainable industry practices,” adds Murray Sigler, interim CEO of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. “With a clear vision, strong plan, and alignment between government and business, we can achieve this.”
We encourage the provincial government to continue to explore diversification opportunities beyond Alberta’s traditional sectors, particularly when it comes to the government’s revenue mix. We urge close collaboration between Alberta and the federal government on Canada’s hydrogen opportunity. Businesses need certainty and stability to succeed, and we urge the government to carefully study any adverse impacts on the natural gas market which could increase costs to business.
The Edmonton and Calgary Chambers of Commerce stand ready to work with the provincial government to explore all options that can boost the competitiveness of our province.
The Calgary Chamber is an independent non-profit, non-partisan business organization. For 129 years the Chamber has worked to build a business community that nourishes, powers and inspires the world.
For media inquiries, please contact Marina Connors, Communications Manager, at media@calgarychamber.com or at (403) 750-0401.
For over 130 years, the Edmonton Chamber has bolstered business success by advocating for conditions that keep businesses competitive, and fostering greater connection among Edmonton’s job creators.
For media inquiries, please contact Brent Francis, Director, Advocacy and Outreach, at bfrancis@edmontonchamber.com or at (780) 902-4551.